Local (Coventry) ministries
Coventry has 14 foodbanks distributed around the city, mostly run by churches. They are part of a network of >400 foodbanks in UK linked to the Trussell Trust, which provides more than 2 million 3-day emergency food parcels per year to hungry families. We can help by : volunteering, giving food or giving money (see: https://coventry.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/). Some members of our youth group have volunteered for a session in one of the foodbanks. There is a food collection box at the back of church, taken to a foodbank regularly by Janice Clarke.
Hunger in the UK is usually caused by people not having enough money to pay for essentials, so foodbanks also provide advice and practical support to help people tackle the underlying financial issues they face.
Coventry Street Pastors are volunteers from many local churches, who work with people enjoying the city centre club night-life, from 10pm to 3am on Fridays and Saturdays. They are welcomed and endorsed by the police, city council and business community. They are known as ‘flip-flop pastors’ providing simple footwear to those who can’t manage to walk in their fancy shoes, or ‘lollipop pastors’ when they offer tokens of love and relief to distressed youngsters at the end of a night out. They bring a Christian presence, a listening ear, warm safe spaces, drinks and all manner of tender loving care. Where appropriate they share about Jesus and pray with people.
For more information, or to enquire about volunteering, go to : https://streetpastors.org/locations/coventry/
The Light House Christian Care Ministry was founded by Coventry Christians in 1986, to provide counselling for people from across the region, aiming for it to be affordable even for those with limited financial means. They provide a safe, non-judgemental space of acceptance and empathetic understanding for those over 18 years of age, with a team of professional staff counsellors and associate volunteer counsellors. They train student counsellors, and also have volunteers doing admin, fundraising, or practical tasks around their base in Ball Hill. They help people with anxiety, stress, depression, attempted suicide, relationship difficulties, bereavement, addictions, and those with a history of abuse. A member of their counselling team will visit HTC on Sunday August 20th to tell us more about their work.
For further information, see: https://lighthousechristiancare.co.uk
Coffee Tots is a parenting support project, based in a cafe at The Wave waterpark in Coventry City Centre. They offer support for parents, and baby and toddler play sessions that boost confidence and improve well-being. They offer a listening ear, signpost to appropriate outside help; and also run a range of well-being courses and art sessions which aim to improve family life.
For more information, go to : https://www.coffeetots.co.uk
Embrace is a Christian organisation supporting female on-street sex workers in Coventry, with a new branch starting in Birmingham. They aim to build relationships, demonstrating that each woman is deeply loved and precious to God, and that they are seen, known and loved. Volunteers meet the women on the streets, and offer food, drink, hygiene products, conversation, and prayer when appropriate. Later their project manager provides further support, and help to stabilise their lives, working with other agencies in the city as needed.
For further information, and to support their work financially or in prayer, see: https://www.embrace-uk.org/what-we-do
Hope coordinates inter-church activities within Coventry. For example, they run regular citywide ‘Praise and Prayer’ events (e.g. at Motofest); and they support ‘Healing prayer on the streets’. They bring church and Christian leaders in the city together twice a year for ‘Leaders’ Lunches’, and are a channel of information between Coventry churches. They provide information to signpost people to appropriate help in time of need, e.g. working closely with the Coventry branch of ‘Christians against Poverty’.
For more information go to : https://hopecoventry.org.uk
Friends International reaches out with care, hospitality and the Good News of Jesus to international students across the UK. They work with volunteers from local churches and university Christian Unions to run English classes, cafes, hospitality schemes, evangelistic meetings, and small group discipleship. Coventry has the most international students of any city in England, outside of London. An FI Coventry branch was established in 2022, and our financial contribution helps support the two part-time staff workers (Catherine and Abigail). They are looking for more volunteers, e.g. to help with Globe café and ‘Table Talk’, as well as regular prayer supporters.
For more information, go to : https://www.friendsinternational.uk