We are a church for everyone! As part of that, we love to welcome families to our services, groups and events. There are lots of different ways to get involved both on Sundays and at other times during the week.
Our hope is that through our activities that children and young people would have fun, build friendships, get to know Jesus and find out about God’s amazing plan for their lives.
Kids' summer fun
Children are welcome to Coventry Cathedral's free, fun weekly Let’s Grow sessions across August, with events looking at the environment. These include crafts & a teddy bears' picnic. Details here.
Youth and Children’s groups

When? During the 9:30 service
Who? Children in Reception – Year 5
What? Learning about God through games, crafts, reading the Bible and prayer

When? During the 9:30 service
Who? Young people in Year 6 – Year 9
What? Exploring the Bible and what it’s got to say for our lives through games, discussions and prayer.

When? During the 11:15 service
Who? Children and young people in Reception – Year 8
What? Exploring the Bible and what it’s got to say for our lives through games, discussions, craft and prayer.

When? Sundays, 6pm-8pm
Who? Young People in Year 7+
What? A growth group for young people within the life of the church. We meet weekly to support each other in our lives and to grow in our faith in Jesus. We play games, read the Bible, take part in discussions, and pray. A highlight of Youth Cell is being able to go away together on trips and weekends away throughout the year.

We love welcoming young families into the life of Holy Trinity.
During both the 9:30 and 11:15 there is a self service creche facility available in the peace chapel, for families with preschool aged children. We ask that parents supervise their children while using the creche.
We know that young children like to make noise. But, should parents feel that their child is making too much noise that it is disturbing others, they are welcome to use the North Poarch, adjacent to the Peace Chapel, where they will still be able to hear the service.
There are lots of other activities for children, young people and their families that take place each year. These include, but are not limited to, family picnics, board game afternoons, craft events, courses, trips and seasonal activities.
Get In Touch
You can find out more about our youth, children and families' work by getting in touch by using the form below. We look forward to hearing from you.
If your young person (11-18 years old) would like to be mentored, please contact us to enable us to begin the process of matching up mentors and mentees.