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Hello and welcome to our church. If you are exploring historical Coventry or moved to Coventry and looking for a Church, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

Planning your visit 


A Warm Welcome.

Church front view-NightYou are very welcome to visit our 900-year old Church, whether to take in the history, to pray, to light a candle, to write a prayer request, or just to sit and have some space.

For visiting during the week

Our historic building is usually open for visitors and private prayer: Wednesday to Saturday, 11.00am to 3.00pm and Sunday, 12.30pm (after the morning services) until 4.30pm. Our welcome team should be around to greet you and take any questions at these times. 

To see the clergy (Revd Canon Richard Hibbert or Revd Carolyne Powell) , please contact the church office to make an appointment.

There is a Holy Communion service most Wednesdays at noon, lasting approximately 40 minutes and followed by refreshments.  It takes place in the Marler Chapel, which is within the main church building.

Click Here to know more about Our Heritage, the 600 year old Doom painting and how Holy Trinity survived the Blitz.

For visiting on Sundays

We have three services:

Though varying in style and types of worship, each helps us to explore and understand the love of God and what that means to our lives.

Over summer holiday periods and at special times, like Easter, Harvest and Christmas, we often change our Sunday services to bring the two main morning congregations (9.30am and 11.15am) together at 10.30am.

Please check our Church calendar to know our service timings.


If you have children, pre-schoolers have their own carpeted  area with toys where you can sit comfortably as a family and still be part of the service. Primary and Secondary children may join an age-appropriate activity group for part of the service when announced.


There are council car parks in Salt Lane and West Orchard, a short walk to the church. Disabled parking is available on Cuckoo Lane (CV1 5RN), very close to the church, but from Monday to Saturday only (10am-6pm) requires an ANPR permit – available from the office. There is no general parking available at the church.

Please refer to our Church calendar or our Latest News letter to know What’s On.

We’d love to welcome you to any of the services listed here.  For more information on each of the church services and Who we are, follow the links below.

Holy Trinity Church Services                                    Who we are