Worldwide Mission
HTC believe God’s mission extends to the whole world, and is largely to be carried forward through His followers. Right from His earliest covenant with Abraham, He promised, ‘I will make you into a great nation …. and all people on earth will be blessed through you’ (Genesis 12v2-3). This is part of following Jesus’ teaching:
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you - Matt 28v19-20.
I was hungry and you gave me food
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me - Matt 25v35-36.
Blessed are the peacemakers
for they will be called children of God - Matt 5v9.
At Holy Trinity we seek to be part of God’s worldwide mission by supporting around twelve mission agencies, through prayer, regular information updates, and financial partnership. Some of our church members are personally involved in these missions. Holy Trinity gives away 10% of its voluntary giving income to outside charities and mission agencies, which may be local, national or international.
HTC Mission Focus for March 2025
Andrew is a graduate from Warwick University, and his ministry is focused on that campus. He returned to Coventry in 1987 after Bible College training, and ministry in India and on the ships of Operation Mobilisation (OM). Since then, he has been reaching out with the Good News to students from East Asia, through hospitality and Bible studies, and many have come to faith in Jesus. He also aims to prepare and support them for life and ministry as Christians when they return home.
Andrew will share about his work during our morning services on March 2nd, and we will pray for him in more detail at Prayer Hour on Monday March 3rd.
In 2024, we supported 12 ministries. For more details, click on the links.
Local (Coventry) ministries
Coventry Foodbank
Coventry Street Pastors
Lighthouse Christian Care ministry
Coffee Tots
Embrace Warwickshire
Hope Coventry
Friends International Coventry branch
National (UK) ministries
Church Urban Fund
International ministries
John and Rachel: Bible translation in the Middle East
Novi Most: Youth work in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Andrew: Outreach to East Asian diaspora